
  • Lectures by senior scientists (7 lectures of 1 h)
  • Debates between students and teachers in order to propose answers to important questions (1 debate of 1 hour)
  • Short presentations with discussion by the participants who do research work on the thematic (working groups, 1h)
  • Virtual visit of Nancy on Wednesday June 16 at 7 PM 45



  Thematics Speaker
1 Molecular structure of telomeres and link with replicative senescence  Simon Toupance (Nancy France) 
2 Genetic and epigenetic determinants of telomere length  Tim De Meyer (Ghent,Belgium)
3 Telomeropathies Marena Niewisch (Bethesda, Maryland USA)
4 Interactions between, telomere dynamics and behaviour Melissa Bateson (Newcastle, UK)
5 The nexus between telomere length and lymphocyte count during Covid-19 Abraham Aviv, (Newark, New Jersey, USA)
6  Mathematical model of telomere in COVID-19   Jim Anderson, (Washington, USA)
7 Degenerative age-related deseases and telomere length Athanase Bénétos (Nancy, France) 
8 Telomere, telomerase and cancer  Evelyne Ségal-Bendirdjian (Paris France)
9 The place for telomere length measurements in clinics? Medical and ethical issues  Students and teachers



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